Archive for the ‘Recycling Resources’ Category

Recycle Car

December 9th, 2012

by guest writer, Mike J.

Cars hold a unique and prestigious importance in modern life. They enable us to travel vast distances by our own means, they make the world smaller and speed up our lives, and, are often symbols of our independence and even success. In the UK alone it is estimated there were 30 million cars on the road by the turn of this century.

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Japan Seeks To Recycle Disaster Rubble

June 29th, 2011

In the midst of dealing with the aftermath of the 2011 earthquakes and tsunamis, Japan faces the challenge of finding uses for the 25 million tons of rubble (equivalent to half the amount of household waste generated in Japan annually) created as a result of the disaster.

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The least we can do – Recycle

April 21st, 2011

Other than being Good Friday (in Singapore), today is also Earth Day – a day to remember the importance of living sustainably and responsibly, in protection of the one great gift we have received — our planet Earth.

Singapore has a long way to go in terms of environmental consciousness. Many of our people are too busy with building our future — our work/studies and our families/friends. There may also be some of us who are busy with killing time. So there is little time for the Earth.

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Efforts to recycle batteries – Part II

April 14th, 2011

This entry on efforts to recycle batteries is a follow-up to my previous entry.

I got a chance to speak to Alvin from Battizer the other day. He was very kind to answer some of the burning questions I had about recycling batteries.

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Recycling batteries in Singapore

March 29th, 2011

I have always read about how the proper disposal of batteries is important. Batteries contain many toxic chemicals, including heavy metals. When they are not properly disposed of, the toxic chemicals could leach into the environment. For example, if they are buried directly in landfills, the chemicals could leach into the soil, and may even reach our water bodies (eg. seas). If they are incinerated, the harmful chemicals could be released in the form of fumes into the atmosphere.

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Hope for Styrofoam recycling

March 28th, 2011

Do you there are new technologies that can facilitate the recycling of styrofoam?

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